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I've had better weeks :Quick Update

Sorry for being so quite on the blog for the last week and a bit, but i have had my reasons.

9 days ago i had about 15 sebaceous cysts cut from my back and neck.  Nothing to serious about them, but i was out on the table for two hours! Well out is not the correct term.

I was given Ketamine as the anaesthetic which induces a state referred to as “dissociative anesthesia”. Basically i went on a two hour trip. During which i worked out that twitter is a 3d dimensional space that looks similar to Zion from the Matrix movies. Yes I am that sad i had a twitter trip.

So last Saturday i awoke more properly only to realise that i had 36 stitches across me back and neck.

Photos are here and here (they are a bit icky so that is why there are text links only.)

So I spent all of last week tossing and turning with very little sleep and generally feeling miserable. Then comes yesterday.

On the way back from getting some antibiotics for all my wounds I helped a man push his car out of the way of traffic. And as i turned to run back to my car which was still blocking the road when i took a heavy fall. I had real trouble moving my right arm, and drove 2k’s home using only my left arm. I am really lucky it was my right arm as i drive a manual car and i don’t think i could have moved the car otherwise. So after two hours with the pain getting stronger, Cat drove me back to the doctors, then to a private hospital. At that point i was given an injection for the pain, a lot of x-rays and told that i had fractured one of my forearm radial bones.

Broken armSo now i have a sling that rubs the stitches on the back of my neck and am down to one hand typing and i still feel like shit.

I have had better weeks 🙂

And the moral of my story is two fold.

  1. never get cocky about how long it has been since you last went to hospital.
  2. no good deed goes unpunished.