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Joe “Numbers are Numbers” Hockey – The Scariest Thing in Australia

So great GDP numbers come out today showing how well Australia is doing.

What is Joe “Numbers are Numbers” Hockey’s response, well apart from proving he is a Numberwang world champion opposition Treasurer…

“The scariest thing in Australia is Wayne Swan”

See I am not so sure…

So Joe what is the Scariest Thing in Australia

Of course we have killer sting rays, heat, deserts, bushfires, east coast lows, cyclones  as well not mention DROP BEARS and Yowies.

Not to mention Brave Sir Abbott running away from Thomson, who is obviously the scariest for Abbott as well.

I wonder if Joe is also afraid of the following numbers: Growth at 4.3%, Unemployment at %5 and inflation at 1.6%. I bet he is scared of them, seeing as they have not been this good since BEFORE Joe was born.

Leave a comment below… what else have I missed.