How far Australia has regressed in 10 Months… care of two Defence Force Videos.
The first video (Published 12 Jun 2013) about sexism, with Lieutenant General Morrison, sets a high bench mark for what Australia can be.
This says we can be better. This video says we should be better. It is not just about the issue, but about us as a people.
The Standard we walk past is the standard we accept.
(1.4 Million views and oh look, the comments section is open )
The second video ( Published 2 Apr 2014 ) shows what happens we accept low standards.
Our Defence force is turned into a political play thing for Scott Morrison (same last name as above, but very different person!) and we as a nation haven’t just walked past, we have blindly followed. Believing that stopping the boats is the issue.
(as an aside, putting people on a different boat and sending them back, doesn’t mean that the boats have stopped! )
And yes, the shame is that this video has closed comments. Can’t have people trying to walk past this standard can we.