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Speed Limits Optional?

Ok..so back from another driving trip… Up to Hanging Rock and Mt Macedon. (which will be a post later today).

For this post I have a highlighted video (speed up to double only) of one of my biggest annoyances on the road – the fact that the speed limit around roadworks is some what optional in Victoria. On the drive down City Link I notice that there are signs saying roadworks 60kph. Of course at this time I have to dive across from the fast lane to the slow lane so I am not a moving road block (to other vehicles which do not slow down).

I have the gps trace showing that I was doing 60pkh past the roadworks (and approx 101kph once I accelerated once the roadworks finished).. All the time the car is on cruise control as well! You will also notice that everyone goes flying past me in the 60 zone. In some cases flying is an understatement. 21 cars all up broke the law speeding past. Within a few minutes of getting past the roadworks I have over-taken 6 of the 21 people that went gone flying past me and I catch up with most of the rest of them within the next 5 min as well.

What annoys me is that these are the people that will complain about speed cameras and speed limits, yet here they all are BREAKING THE LAW. Of course if I exceeded the speed limit I would probably get nailed straight away, but that is my luck.