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I don’t care if the PM is popular, I want competent… Rudd isn’t #spill

I’d don’t actually care if my PM is popular, I don’t care if they use hip language and have got to “zip” (what ever that means).

I want them to be competent.  I know this point of view makes me somewhat of a heteroclite in this modern political age.

Late last night in the maelstrom of events I heard comments talking about Gillard’s staffers saying what a great pleasure and professional she was to work with.  Funny thing is, Rudd chewed up and spat out staff at a prodigious rate. Yet, Rudd is more popular, that doesn’t mean he is right, nor is he good for the job.

The ALP have taken a PM that proved her metal in 3 years of minority government with some of the most vitriolic (and yes sexist) attacks against her personally and given the reward to someone that white anted from the day he was deposed.

Congratulations ALP, you have shown that, hard work, dedication to duty and task means nothing. You have rewarded someone that undermined the PM from the day he lost the leadership.

The negative campaigns by the Coalition have been very successful, helped by a minority in the ALP that cared more about getting their man back in than helping their own PM.

Rudd was right when he said Climate Change is the greatest moral challenge of our time, and what happened when push comes to shove, he backflipped and gave up.

In a minority Government, Gillard gave us NDIS, a price on Carbon, saw the NBN start to roll out.  Even in a majority government these reforms alone should have been seen as amazing.  But when the narrative is focused on constant leaking, undermining and pushing for not one, but 3 leadership spills, this is all forgotten.

I disagree with Gillard’s stance on a number of things, asylum seekers being top of mind.  Yet I have seen her face so many questions from journalists, never shying away from hard questions.  Abbott is well known for not fronting up and answering questions, only talking points.

Gillard showed time and time again how fit for the job she was.  Rudd showed time and time again that he just wanted the job, and didn’t care who stood in his way.

As I said on Twitter last night as this all unfolded  “Princess Diana said there were two wives in her relationship… Gillard had two opposition leaders in her term”.

The ALP has sold out to the negativity, a negativity that was coming from within and well as from the outside.

Then it rewarded the source.