
A long time ago I used to have a website on this domain…. one I started playing with all the way back in 1997, before that I was playing around in the BBS Space as well. But one thing led to another and before I knew it I was all grown up (ok friends of my may well have fallen of their chairs laughing at this point), and I got to busy too do anything.

I am still to busy to do anything, but I want to use this space to exercise the old gray matter outside the world of work world that I currently live in. I am never sure what this space is going to contain but I always try and make the time.

When in 2007 I got an Asus R2H and a Nokia N95 8gb,  I became interested in mobile computing, geotagging, and rekindled my interest in photography.

In 2008 I found this thing called Twitter, or it found me. From my personal life to my professional life, social media has shaped me and the circles I move in and my fortnightly pay-packet.

Because the photography bug bit so hard in 2008  my first DSLR, a Nikon D90, and it was all over. Followed by a lens or two, or three, or four, then another camera. Now I seem to pimp t-shirts which I sell for the express purchase of buying more camera gear.

Then in 2011 when the #wolfcatcubs arrived everything turned upside down.  A new job and twins all in one year, what was I thinking.

I am interested in everything and fascinated by the rest of course.  This space is to share a few of the little things I pickup along the way, along with the odd cranky rant about stuff that seems to be totally unconnected.

Now you can see why I call this Random Rants.


Wolf Cocklin

One Response to “About”

  1. I don’t know who you are but I haven’t seen or heard of anyone mentioning bb’s in sooooo long.

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