Entries Tagged as 'n78'

Nokia N8 – Sunset Camera Showdown

So you are out for an evening walk, watching the sunset and you think, wow that is pretty, I’ll get a photo.

This is the Nokia N8 camera shoot out for that situation. ( Please note, it wasn’t a spectacular sunset the evening I got the shots… )

First is shooting directly into the sun. This is one of those men from the boys tests.

Shooting into the Sun – Nokia N95-8gb Shooting into the Sun - Nokia N8 Comparison - Nokia N95-8gb Version

Camera Nokia N95 8GB
Exposure 0.003 sec (1/333)
Aperture f/2.8
Focal Length 5.6 mm
ISO Speed 100
Flash Auto, Did not fire
Orientation Horizontal (normal)
X-Resolution 300 dpi
Y-Resolution 300 dpi
YCbCr Positioning Centered
Date and Time (Original) 2010:10:24 19:25:34
Date and Time (Digitized) 2010:10:24 19:25:34
Light Source Unknown
Color Space sRGB
Custom Rendered Normal
Exposure Mode Auto
White Balance Auto
Digital Zoom Ratio 1
Scene Capture Type Standard
Gain Control None
Compression JPEG (old-style)
Shooting into the Sun – Nikon D90Shooting into the Sun - Nokia N8 Comparison - Nikon D90 Version

Camera Nikon D90
Exposure 0.001 sec (1/800)
Aperture f/16.0
Focal Length 18 mm
ISO Speed 200
Exposure Bias 0 EV
Flash Auto, Did not fire
X-Resolution 240 dpi
Y-Resolution 240 dpi
Date and Time (Modified) 2010:10:24 21:24:20
Exposure Program Auto: No Flash
Date and Time (Original) 2010:10:24 19:24:02.00+11:00
Date and Time (Digitized) 2010:10:24 19:24:02
Max Aperture Value 3.5
Subject Distance 6.31 m
Metering Mode Multi-segment
Light Source Unknown
Sub Sec Time Original 00
Sub Sec Time Digitized 00
Sensing Method One-chip color area
CFAPattern [Green,Blue][Red,Green]
Custom Rendered Normal
Exposure Mode Auto
White Balance Auto
Digital Zoom Ratio 1
Focal Length In35mm Format 27 mm
Scene Capture Type Standard
Gain Control None
Contrast Normal
Saturation Normal
Sharpness Normal
Subject Distance Range Unknown
Compression JPEG (old-style)
Viewing Conditions Illuminant Type D50
Measurement Observer CIE 1931
Measurement Flare 0.999%
Measurement Illuminant D65
Lens 18.0-200.0 mm f/3.5-6.3
Lens ID 38
Image Number 85557
Color Transform YCbCr
Flash Return No return detection
Flash Mode Auto

Shooting into the Sun – JVC GC-FM1Shooting into the Sun - Nokia N8 Comparison - JVC GC-FM1 Version

Camera JVC GC-FM1
Exposure 1/4029 sec
Aperture f/2.8
Focal Length 3.9 mm
ISO Speed 100
Exposure Bias 0 EV
Flash No flash function
Orientation Horizontal (normal)
X-Resolution 72 dpi
Y-Resolution 72 dpi
Date and Time (Modified) 2010:10:24 19:22:55
YCbCr Positioning Co-sited
Exposure Program Program AE
Date and Time (Original) 2010:10:24 19:22:55
Date and Time (Digitized) 2010:10:24 19:22:55
Max Aperture Value 2.8
Metering Mode Center-weighted average
Light Source Unknown
Color Space sRGB
Custom Rendered Normal
Digital Zoom Ratio 1
Compression JPEG (old-style)
Shooting into the Sun – HTC Desire Shooting into the Sun - Nokia N8 Comparison - HTC Desire Version

Camera HTC Desire
ISO Speed 100
X-Resolution 72 dpi
Y-Resolution 72 dpi
YCbCr Positioning Centered
Date and Time (Original) 2010:10:24 19:22:31
Date and Time (Digitized) 2010:10:24 19:22:31
Color Space sRGB
GPSVersion ID 2.2.0
GPS Latitude 37 deg 53′ 51.27″ S
GPS Longitude 144 deg 59′ 8.24″ E
GPSAltitude Ref Above Sea Level
GPSAltitude 12 m
GPSTime Stamp 19:22:31
GPSMap Datum WGS-84
GPSProcessing Method HYBRID-FIX
GPSDate Stamp 2010:10:24
Compression JPEG (old-style)

Shooting into the Sun – Nokia X6 Shooting into the Sun - Nokia N8 Comparison - Nokia X6 Version

Camera Nokia X6-00
Exposure 1/1000000 sec
Aperture f/2.8
Focal Length 5.2 mm
ISO Speed 123
Flash Auto, Did not fire
Orientation Horizontal (normal)
X-Resolution 300 dpi
Y-Resolution 300 dpi
YCbCr Positioning Centered
Date and Time (Original) 2010:10:24 19:21:27
Date and Time (Digitized) 2010:10:24 19:21:27
Light Source Unknown
Color Space sRGB
Custom Rendered Normal
Exposure Mode Auto
White Balance Auto
Digital Zoom Ratio 1
Scene Capture Type Standard
Gain Control Low gain up
GPSVersion ID
GPS Latitude 37 deg 53′ 51.58″ S
GPS Longitude 144 deg 59′ 7.84″ E
GPSAltitude Ref Below Sea Level
GPSAltitude 1.5 m
Compression JPEG (old-style)
Shooting into the Sun – Nokia N8 Shooting into the Sun - Nokia N8 Comparison - Nokia N8 Version

Camera Nokia N8-00
Exposure 0.001 sec (1/1400)
Aperture f/2.8
Focal Length 5.9 mm
ISO Speed 100
Flash Auto, Did not fire
X-Resolution 240 dpi
Y-Resolution 240 dpi
Date and Time (Modified) 2010:10:24 21:11:30
Date and Time (Original) 2010:10:24 19:21:18.153+11:00
Date and Time (Digitized) 2010:10:24 19:21:18
Light Source Unknown
Sub Sec Time Original 153
Sub Sec Time Digitized 153
Custom Rendered Normal
Exposure Mode Auto
White Balance Auto
Digital Zoom Ratio 0
Scene Capture Type Standard
Gain Control None
GPSVersion ID
GPSAltitude Ref Above Sea Level
GPSAltitude 5 m
GPSMeasure Mode 3-Dimensional Measurement
GPSMap Datum WGS-84
Compression JPEG (old-style)
Viewing Conditions Illuminant Type D50
Measurement Observer CIE 1931
Measurement Flare 0.999%
Measurement Illuminant D65
Color Transform YCbCr
GPSVersion ID
GPS Latitude 37 deg 53′ 51.34″ S
GPS Longitude 144 deg 59′ 7.91″ E
GPSAltitude Ref Above Sea Level
GPSAltitude 5 m
GPSMeasure Mode 3-Dimensional
GPSMap Datum WGS-84

Looking towards Melbourne CBD from Brighton.

Skyline – Nokia95-8gbSkyline Comparison Series  - Nokia95-8gb - 5mp Camera

Camera Nokia N95 8GB
Exposure 0.009 sec (1/110)
Aperture f/2.8
Focal Length 5.6 mm
ISO Speed 160
Flash Auto, Did not fire
X-Resolution 240 dpi
Y-Resolution 240 dpi
Date and Time (Original) 2010:10:24 19:27:26+11:00
Date and Time (Digitized) 2010:10:24 19:27:26
Light Source Unknown
Custom Rendered Normal
Exposure Mode Auto
White Balance Auto
Digital Zoom Ratio 1
Scene Capture Type Standard
Gain Control Low gain up
Compression JPEG (old-style)
Viewing Conditions Illuminant Type D50
Measurement Observer CIE 1931
Measurement Flare 0.999%
Measurement Illuminant D65
Color Transform YCbCr
Flash Return No return detection
Flash Mode Auto
Flash Function False
Flash Red Eye Mode False
Skyline – Nikon D90 Skyline Comparison Series - Nikon D90 - 12mp Camera

Camera Nikon D90
Exposure 0.005 sec (1/200)
Aperture f/7.1
Focal Length 18 mm
ISO Speed 200
Exposure Bias 0 EV
Flash Auto, Did not fire
X-Resolution 240 dpi
Y-Resolution 240 dpi
Software Ver.1.00
Exposure Program Auto: No Flash
Date and Time (Original) 2010:10:24 19:26:33.00+11:00
Date and Time (Digitized) 2010:10:24 19:26:33
Max Aperture Value 3.5
Subject Distance 21.1 m
Metering Mode Multi-segment
Light Source Unknown
Sub Sec Time Original 00
Sub Sec Time Digitized 00
Sensing Method One-chip color area
CFAPattern [Green,Blue][Red,Green]
Custom Rendered Normal
Exposure Mode Auto
White Balance Auto
Digital Zoom Ratio 1
Focal Length In35mm Format 27 mm
Scene Capture Type Standard
Gain Control None
Contrast Normal
Saturation Normal
Sharpness Normal
Subject Distance Range Unknown
Compression JPEG (old-style)
Viewing Conditions Illuminant Type D50
Measurement Observer CIE 1931
Measurement Flare 0.999%
Measurement Illuminant D65
Lens 18.0-200.0 mm f/3.5-6.3
Lens ID 38
Image Number 85559
Color Transform YCbCr

Skyline – JVC GC-FM1Skyline Comparison Series  - JVC GC-FM1 - 8mp Camera

Camera JVC GC-FM1
Exposure 0.003 sec (1/340)
Aperture f/2.8
Focal Length 3.9 mm
ISO Speed 100
Exposure Bias 0 EV
Flash No flash function
X-Resolution 240 dpi
Y-Resolution 240 dpi
Date and Time (Modified) 2010:10:24 21:15:02
Exposure Program Program AE
Date and Time (Original) 2010:10:24 19:26:52+11:00
Date and Time (Digitized) 2010:10:24 19:26:52
Max Aperture Value 2.8
Metering Mode Center-weighted average
Light Source Unknown
Custom Rendered Normal
Digital Zoom Ratio 1
Compression JPEG (old-style)
Measurement Observer CIE 1931
Measurement Flare 0.999%
Measurement Illuminant D65
Color Transform YCbCr
Flash Return No return detection
Flash Mode Unknown
Flash Function True
Flash Red Eye Mode False
Skyline – HTC Desire Skyline Comparison Series - HTC Desire - 5mp Camera

Camera HTC Desire
ISO Speed 100
X-Resolution 240 dpi
Y-Resolution 240 dpi
Date and Time (Original) 2010:10:24 19:25:39+11:00
Date and Time (Digitized) 2010:10:24 19:25:39
GPSVersion ID
GPSAltitude Ref Above Sea Level
GPSAltitude 9 m
GPSTime Stamp 19:25:39
GPSMap Datum WGS-84
GPSProcessing Method HYBRID-FIX
GPSDate Stamp 2010:10:24
Compression JPEG (old-style)
Measurement Observer CIE 1931
Measurement Flare 0.999%
Measurement Illuminant D65
Color Transform YCbCr
GPSVersion ID
GPS Latitude 37 deg 53′ 51.37″ S
GPS Longitude 144 deg 59′ 8.08″ E
GPSAltitude Ref Above Sea Level
GPSAltitude 9 m
GPSDate Time 2010:10:24 19:25:39Z
GPSMap Datum WGS-84
GPSProcessing Method HYBRID-FIX

Skyline – Nokia X6Skyline Comparison Series - Nokia X6 - 5mp Camera

Camera Nokia X6-00
Exposure 0.002 sec (1/500)
Aperture f/2.8
Focal Length 5.2 mm
ISO Speed 100
Flash Auto, Did not fire
X-Resolution 240 dpi
Y-Resolution 240 dpi
Date and Time (Original) 2010:10:24 19:24:11+11:00
Date and Time (Digitized) 2010:10:24 19:24:11
Light Source Unknown
Custom Rendered Normal
Exposure Mode Auto
White Balance Auto
Digital Zoom Ratio 1
Scene Capture Type Standard
Gain Control None
GPSVersion ID
GPSAltitude Ref Below Sea Level
GPSAltitude 7 m
Compression JPEG (old-style)
Measurement Observer CIE 1931
Measurement Flare 0.999%
Measurement Illuminant D65
Color Transform YCbCr
GPSVersion ID
GPS Latitude 37 deg 53′ 51.83″ S
GPS Longitude 144 deg 59′ 7.72″ E
GPSAltitude Ref Below Sea Level
GPSAltitude 7 m
Flash Return No return detection
Flash Mode Auto
Flash Function False
Flash Red Eye Mode False
Skyline – Nokia N8Skyline Comparison Series - Nokia N8

Camera Nokia N8-00
Exposure 0.003 sec (1/310)
Aperture f/2.8
Focal Length 5.9 mm
ISO Speed 103
Flash Auto, Did not fire
X-Resolution 240 dpi
Y-Resolution 240 dpi
Date and Time (Original) 2010:10:24 19:24:21.534+11:00
Date and Time (Digitized) 2010:10:24 19:24:21
Light Source Unknown
Sub Sec Time Original 534
Sub Sec Time Digitized 534
Custom Rendered Normal
Exposure Mode Auto
White Balance Auto
Digital Zoom Ratio 1
Scene Capture Type Standard
Gain Control Low gain up
GPSVersion ID
GPSAltitude Ref Above Sea Level
GPSAltitude 19.5 m
GPSMeasure Mode 3-Dimensional Measurement
GPSMap Datum WGS-84
Compression JPEG (old-style)
Viewing Conditions Illuminant Type D50
Measurement Observer CIE 1931
Measurement Flare 0.999%
Measurement Illuminant D65
Color Transform YCbCr
GPSVersion ID
GPS Latitude 37 deg 53′ 51.03″ S
GPS Longitude 144 deg 59′ 7.94″ E
GPSAltitude Ref Above Sea Level
GPSAltitude 19.5 m
GPSMeasure Mode 3-Dimensional
GPSMap Datum WGS-84
Flash Return No return detection
Flash Mode Auto
Flash Function False
Flash Red Eye Mode False

Headline numbers on the Cameras are.

Nokia X6- 5megapixel
Nokia N95-8gb- 5megapixel
HTC Desire – 5megapixel
JVC FM1 – 8megapixel
Nikon D90 – 12megapixel
Nokia N8 – 12megapixel

Whilst I know that sensor size, aperture, glass etc are what makes a great camera, megapixels is what Joe Public know when they are after a camera.

One of the more interesting things that came out of the second test, was that 3 of the cameras that had GPS built into them had time to get a GPS fix. Compare the locations.

Camera Nokia X6-00 Nokia N8-00 HTC Desire
GPS Latitude 37° 53′ 51.83″ S 37° 53′ 51.03″ S 37° 53′ 51.37″ S
GPS Longitude 144° 59′ 7.72″ E 144° 59′ 7.94″ E 144° 59′ 8.08″ E
GPSAltitude Ref Below Sea Level Above Sea Level Above Sea Level
GPSAltitude 7 m 19.5 m 9 m
GPSDate Time 2010:10:24 19:25:39Z
GPSMap Datum WGS-84 WGS-84
GPSProcessing Method HYBRID-FIX

KML Google Map Showing, location of the Above Cameras. The HTC was the closest.

View Larger Map

All the EXIF data, is pulled from Flickr’s view EXIF info mode, more data would be available through other tools.

Once again, the Nokia N8 wins in the above tests. ( Well apart from the D90 ). I kept the D90 in the tests for showing what a DSLR can shoot compared to a mobile phone when on auto mode.

I can not believe just how bad the camera on the HTC Desire is, it fails on every comparison test I do. And fails by a long way.

To be fair to my Nikon D90…. this is what you can get, with a DSLR, Manual Mode and a 70-300mm Lens. This is the cheap old 70-300mm lens which costs less cost less than $200AUD.

The end of 10

( This shot is also available for purchase on Redbubble )

Nokia N8 – Macro Camera Shoot Out

The following are Macro Shots from all the devices I could find lying around my house. I did set a minimum bench mark of  5 MegaPixels for the device that I would shot from.

All devices were on Automode, and the scene was in hard light at 5:40pm, of flowers in my front garden.

The shots were just lined up quickly by hand but all taken within a few min of each other.

(Click on each Image to link through for the full size shots)

Macro Shots – Nokia N95-8gbMacro Shots - N8 Compare - Nokia N95-8gb Macro Shots – JVC FM1Macro Shots - N8 Compare - JVC FM1
Camera Nokia N95 8GB
Exposure 0.009 sec (1/111)
Aperture f/2.8
Focal Length 5.6 mm
ISO Speed 100
Flash Auto, Did not fire
Orientation Horizontal (normal)
X-Resolution 300 dpi
Y-Resolution 300 dpi
Custom Rendered Normal
Exposure Mode Auto
White Balance Auto
Digital Zoom Ratio 1.04
Scene Capture Type Standard
Gain Control None
Compression JPEG (old-style)
Camera JVC GC-FM1
Exposure 0.002 sec (1/599)
Aperture f/2.8
Focal Length 3.9 mm
ISO Speed 100
Exposure Bias 0 EV
Flash No flash function
Orientation Horizontal (normal)
X-Resolution 72 dpi
Y-Resolution 72 dpi
Date and Time (Modified) 2010:10:24 17:41:23
YCbCr Positioning Co-sited
Exposure Program Program AE
Metering Mode Center-weighted average
Light Source Unknown
Custom Rendered Normal
Digital Zoom Ratio 1
Compression JPEG (old-style)

Macro Shots – Nokia X6Macro Shots - N8 Compare - Nokia X6 Macro Shots – Nokia N8Macro Shots - N8 Compare - Nokia N8
Camera Nokia X6-00
Exposure 0.003 sec (1/333)
Aperture f/2.8
Focal Length 5.2 mm
ISO Speed 100
Flash Auto, Did not fire
Orientation Horizontal (normal)
X-Resolution 300 dpi
Y-Resolution 300 dpi
YCbCr Positioning Centered
Light Source Unknown
Color Space sRGB
Custom Rendered Normal
Exposure Mode Auto
White Balance Auto
Digital Zoom Ratio 1
Scene Capture Type Standard
Gain Control None
Compression JPEG (old-style)
Camera Nokia N8-00
Exposure 0.012 sec (1/85)
Aperture f/2.8
Focal Length 5.9 mm
ISO Speed 102
Flash Auto, Did not fire
X-Resolution 240 dpi
Y-Resolution 240 dpi
Custom Rendered Normal
Exposure Mode Auto
White Balance Auto
Digital Zoom Ratio 0
Scene Capture Type Standard
Gain Control Low gain up

Macro Shots – Nikon D90Macro Shots - N8 Compare - Nikon D90 Macro Shots – HTC DesireMacro Shots - N8 Compare - HTC Desire
Camera Nikon D90
Exposure 0.003 sec (1/400)
Aperture f/10.0
Focal Length 18 mm
ISO Speed 200
Exposure Bias 0 EV
Flash Auto, Did not fire
X-Resolution 240 dpi
Y-Resolution 240 dpi
Max Aperture Value 3.5
Subject Distance 0.45 m
Metering Mode Multi-segment
Light Source Unknown
CFAPattern [Green,Blue][Red,Green]
Custom Rendered Normal
Exposure Mode Auto
White Balance Auto
Digital Zoom Ratio 1
Focal Length In35mm Format 27 mm
Scene Capture Type Standard
Compression JPEG (old-style)
Color Transform YCbCr
Flash Return No return detection
Flash Mode Auto
Camera HTC Desire
ISO Speed 100
X-Resolution 72 dpi
Y-Resolution 72 dpi
YCbCr Positioning Centered
Compression JPEG (old-style)

The worst performer was the HTC Desire. Colour rendering is terrible, it is washed out and insipid. ( I’d like to see if the new HTC Desire HD camera is any better, but the current Desire’s camera is pathetic )

The N8, did a wonderful job. Colour rendition is very close, for what is a tricky shot, the depth of field is bang on as well.

The 3 year old Nokia N95-8gb, still stands up as a great camera, but it showing its age when compared to the Nokia N8

The D90, shot to dark in Automode. (But I don’t shot in Automode that often, and still have the RAW version to process)

I’ve yet to see a cameraphone that comes close to the Nokia N8. The new sensor, coupled with the Carl Zeiss F2.8 lens is simply stunning. 4000×3000 shots with real print DPI, give you a lot of wiggle room for cropping as well.

I have yet however to find a way to move the focus point on the N8. This makes playing with the depth of field very tricky. It comes down to lining up the focus point then moving the camera to get the out of focus elements you want. Which on the above camera phones is the only thing that the HTC Desire had going in its favour.  I’d like to see Nokia open up the camera app, to allow some real control over the image as well. Why, cause they could.  Sre I lug my Nikon D90 with me, but giving people some more fine control over the camera would help people get the most out of this device.

Whilst, in my big review, I pointed out there was a lot wrong with the N8, some of which I am sure will get ironed out with firmware updates and third party applications, Overall the camera is simply stunning. If you are a Nokia user, who likes to get photos on the run with their phone and not lug around a separate camera, get the N8.

For me, the USB as Host feature and its amazing Macro lens, means I will still be carrying around the N8 with me, because it does add to my overall set of tools.

Qr Codes – Nokia Style

Nokia have expanded their QR Code Generator to now give you the ability to create Business card barcodes.  More than just a URL, it will embed all the standard business card info.

(See the funny red square of to the side… that is what I am talking about)

Watch the video to see how to do it 🙂

more here… Nokia Beta Labs

and now there is a downloadable version of the QR code reader as well…. http://mobilecodes.nokia.com/scan.htm if you don’t already have it..

In case you are wondering if you do… Nokia N82, N93, N93i, N95, N95 8GB, E66, E71, E90 or 6220 Classic should all have it preinstalled.. but you can get the Nokia version for the Nokia N78, 6210 Navigator, N96by clicking on this installer file  Nokia_Barcode_Reader_S60_32.sis

Plus you can find readers for other phones here… http://mobilecodes.nokia.com/scan.htm

Geotagging and Flickr

As most of you should be aware I am a bit of a geotagging/gps nut (acutally I am just a nut).

with 99% of my photos geotagged on Flickr and a tendency to send out geotweets (is that even a word, guess it is now)  I am always trying to show people how to set up their phones to do it….

Well Kevin Anderson has written a great blog post based around an n82, flickr and geotagging.  And with him being a much more bettera writer than I am…. I figure I will just give you the link to his post and you can read it all over there.  It works for the N95 and N78 roughly the same as well.
Howto: Geo-tagging photos for an easy map mashup


I may have finally found the raw nema writing for the n95-8gb that I have wanted for a long time, but I didn’t read the manual for the software so I have yet to get it working properly (will get back to you on this shortly)

Comparative Photos..N78 – N95-8gb

As Promised here are a few photos to compare the cameras on the Nokia N78 (3.2 Autofocus Camera) and the Nokia N95-8gb (with its 5mg Autofocus Camera).

Both of these were done on default settings and because I am ambidextrous I took the photos simultaneously as well.

Note to self: Must stop doing that in public makes me look even more of a tosser than I actually am.

Oh and click on images for bigger versions as well

This photo is looking at the N78 having just taken a photo of the n95…. Notice the Finger prints on the black plastic already.


Long View – N95
n78 - Long View out a window

Long View – N78
n78 - Long View out a window

Plant – N78
n78 - Plant close Up

Plant – N95-8gb
n95-8gb - Plant close Up

The only other thing to note is that the only two photos that was nativelly geotagged was the N95 Plant and the N78 window, the rest of the Tags I have added in Flickr.

With the N78 it geotagged the window shot, even with out the Assisted GPS turned off using the new Auto Geotagging built into the firmware.  I do think it is a bit faster at getting a fix that the N95 but it was using Location Tagger which is still the only way to do it on the N95.  Evidently it will be coming in the next firmware update.

The N95 Plant shot was tagged as I had the GPS already running using Sports Tracker for logging my driving in the car.

I will try some geotagging tests soon.

N78 – v N95-8Gb

30 Minute play review…

N95 – 8GB N78
99 x 53 x 21 mm, 96 cc 113 x 49 x 15.1 mm, 76.5 cc
128 g 101.8 g
240 x 320 pixels, 2.8 inche 240 x 320 pixels, 2.4 inche
– 8 GB internal memory
– 128 MB SDRAM memory
– Dual ARM 11 332 MHz CPU
– 3D Graphics HW Accelerator
– 76 MB internal memory
– 96 MB SDRAM memory
– ARM 11 369 MHz processor
5 MP, 2592 x 1944 pixels, Carl Zeiss optics, autofocus, video(VGA 30fps), flash; secondary CIF videocall camera 3.15 MP, 2048×1536 pixels, autofocus, Carl Zeiss optics, video(VGA 15fps), flash;
TV Out FM Transmitter
– Accelerometer sensor for auto-rotate
8gb on board storage MicroSD Slot (2gb supplied)

Candybar Bar verses Slider. I actually prefer the candy bar design. Sure it may be in most cases slightly bigger in your pocket, but one it is open the N95 is longer and thicker and heavier than the n78. And after 7 months my slider is not as tight at is used to be and the whole phone has a bit of a wobble, something that is not going to happen with the n78.

TV Out or FM transmitter… tough call, I have used and would use both. TV out is great in that you can make a presentation and take just your phone to a location and show clients something, or just review your holiday snaps on a big screen at the hotel. The FM transmitter means that you can listen to your music in the car straight from your phone. I’m still deciding which would be the more useful… work or pleasure.

The Camera is a big thing and so the N95-8gb camera wins hands down just on megapixel count and both phones have the same LED type flashes anyway so there is nothing in that.

The GPS is better located sitting at the top of the device as is the headphone socket (some thing that I really wish the N95 did) And it is good if not better at getting a fix as well. Also the Australian version came with a 3 month trial of the navigation.

I don’t see the problem that a lot of people seem to have that navigation costs more. I have paid for it and did so over buying TraveRoute for the R2H for the simple reason that I have my phone on me more than the R2H 9oh yeah and it is cheaper. Plus you are only paying for Navigation not the maps. You can see where you are and how to get somewhere for free anyway.

I have updated the Firmware straight away (came with 11.043 out of the box, going to 12.046),.  There was an issue with the updater saying it didn’t work, but it had 🙂 The Maps version has not been updated to Maps 2, as from a quick series of google looks there are issues with FP2 and the latest maps. (Pity)

The other great pity is there no Games or N-Gage on the phone. Games are great for one thing killing time on your phone. There is not even a version of snake for example. Power users will have no problems finding and installing free games, but Joe Average might end up paying for things that he didn’t need to.

The heart beat thing is also not upsetting me… I thought it would but given that the phone looks off when it is resting it is reassuring to know that it hasn’t died 🙂

Conclusion… If you want to get into the smart phone game the N78 is a winner. Sure the case will be used by CSI at some point in time to lift your finger prints.. but the geotagged photos will prove you were not at the location anyway. It may not have the screen and grunt of the N95 8gb, but it is a worthy device never the less.

I will put together some photos over the weekend to compare the devices and also the cameras as well.

n78 Update 3

Good news went passed the Chadstone Vodafone shop today and was served by the assistant manager (nice lass and should have remembered her name but didn’t :-))

Anyway quick swap and check of the paper work and a fire up off the new phone and I was done. Turns out on further inspection, it wasn’t just the camera, it was also the volume controls as well that were borked… Just a dud off the factory floor.

Anyway back to updating firmware.

One thing I have noticed that is bugging me already… and this one is really going to bug me.. The USB plug is different to my N95. WHY NOKIA WHY…. what it means is that when my wife and I go on the road, we will still need to USB plugs one for her phone and one for mine.

And one thing that is not bugging me… the battery for the n78 is the same 3.7v BL-6F as for the N95 8gb. So purchasing one spare battery will mean either phone can work (try and do that on your Iphone!)

N78 – part 2

Ok, have phoned Chadstone Vodafone to ask them to make sure that they have a phone in stock for tomorrow as it is the soonest we can get in to swap the phone.  However they can not guarantee they will have one in stock!

They have some (but will not say how many, and will not put one on hold for even 24 hours as ours is technically DOA!)

We are heading to a big fail, unless they just swap the phone out tomorrow I will not be happy.   I think part of the issue comes from the fact I know more than the sales people about the phones 🙂

The catch is they were doing very well up until this point.  We walked past the shop on Saturday saw they had the advertising and asked about the phone.  The guy went out the back, unboxed a phone and brought it out with a battery and it fired up.  All in 5 min, very slick. Thus why we brought it then and ther.  We had tried to see the phone a month earlier at Organiser World in the city.  They brought out the box and said see this is the phone…  thus they missed ou on the sale that vodafone got:-)

Will keep you updated 🙂


N78 Unboxing - Vodafone Australia Version 1/10Well tonight I was going to write an entry on my N78 that was purchased yesterday…  but there is a small issue..

The camera button doesn’t work on it :-(..  So off to vodafone tomorrow and try and get it sorted.

Couple of quick observations.

Observations on the device. I like my N95’s screen, and the n78 is much smaller, and the keypad does some getting use to. The GPS in side by side driving tests was fine, the FM transmitter is a great feature, the head phone jack at the top is also very nice.

N78 Unboxing - Vodafone Australia Version 8/10Seriously turning a phone on, then setting up the software, then getting the software to update, then getting that software to update, then installing newer firmware.  To complicated.  Apple and Nokia are both the same in this.  It is a phone, but the underlying structures have a long way to go before it is all seamless.

If you want an entry level device to the N-series range do consider it…(pending how long it takes to get the camera button sorted that is)

N78 Unboxing - Vodafone Australia Version 10/10