Strange Car Noise – Any ideas people?

OK… now I am left to one strange car noise to fix before my big Xmas driving holiday….

I’d like to go to the mechanic with at least something useful…. so does anyone have ideas what this is.

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(you are listening for the deep vibration sound)

The Car is a 2000 Forester GX with 145k on the clock.

Details of the noise are…

1- the car needs to be warmed up for it to occur really noticeably.
2 – The Car needs to be doing at least 50kph or so.
3 – it seems to be only when the car is under acceleration.
4 – Seems to come up from underneath the passenger area.

The car has just had a service and the noise is still there, but given when it occurs I am not suprised they missed it.  So it is going in on Thursday to try and find out what the cause is.

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