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Tweet 10,000

Well I hope this works….

(20 minute 1 take audio file, excuse the quality and the stuttering :-))

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This is me reading out all of my 760 followers 🙂   I have been on twitter since May 07, and have managed to write 10,00of these things.

I have made friends some of whom I have meet, many whom I have not.  I have seen twitter grow from a fringe of very early adopters to something that gets main stream media coverage.  I have personally been involved in helping cover the bushfire disaster that happened on Black Saturday and covered two earthquakes… one of them I may have caused 🙂

I have seen new words come into play and have had one or two too many drinks with a number of you.  Thankyou all for following, thankyou for all your advice, humour and friendship.

