Carpet Cleaning in the modern world

Year and and years and years ago (yes it was a long time ago).. So long ago it was even before George Lucas ruined star wars with ep 1, I saw a job add that I went along to the “Sales Pitch” for. It took them nearly 45 minutes to even say what the product was. Turned out it was a Kirby Vacuum Cleaner sales job. At which point I got up and so did most of the other people in the room.

So now much time has progressed since then, my childhood memories have been distorted by the whole eps 1-3 saga and I have grown up a lot more and have a real job where I don’t sell either my soul or little old ladies $2000 cleaners that they never needed or wanted. But I digress.

We as you may be aware are moving house… all fun and games I must say, especially given that I was going to spend this week packing and not lying on the couch dying of man flu as I have. So I go out and check the mail. Yesterday we received something I thought was just a bit of a coincidence being a postcard type thing for carpet cleaning. I did notice that it did have a stamp on it, but it was address “to the tenant” so I presumed it was just a bit of junk mail.

Today we get 4 more carpet cleaning letters (ok it was only 3, one of the companies sent us two letters). Now hats off to them for proactive marketing I think. Some more office worker must be sitting in a very dark closet that smells like carpet cleaning fluid all day surfing the web looking for new places that have come on the market. Then if they are not high enough already then spend hours licking envelopes and stamps to send out carpet cleaning flyer’s to people who are moving.

Now this would all be great and dandy bar one little point….. We DON’T HAVE CARPET. The house has polished floor board through out.. All very nice and shiny mind you, however I don’t think that they would cope with having a carpet cleaning machine run over them.

So somewhere there are people who have wasted a whole lot of time effort and licking of envelopes for nothing…. but then if I was stuck in a closet sniffing carpet cleaning fluids all day I might just send out letters to anyone just so i could walk to the post office for 5 minutes.

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